Immagine Persona

Ivan Diliso

Hi! I'm a PhD Student 🦜 from University of Bari, Italy

Study materials and notes

In this section I will list all of the Latex materials I created to study for my University courses. Most of the books available are in Italian, and some of them are hand written. I take no responsibility on the information and data wrote in these materials. The notes will not be updated and are all related to the academic year 2021/2022. Some notes have some bonus chapter for integrating 21/22 notes with 2022/2023 notes. .

The color pattern is usually black for formal notes and grey for personal notes or personal explanation of some concepts. Blue is used to note further details about specific topics or theorems. The handwritten and hybrid notes are not print-ready, some pages are longer or differntly aligned

  • Data Mining

    Master Degree in Data Science (Italian, Latex)

    Complete notes of the Data Mining course, the notes cover all syllabus topics (AA 2021/2022) with in-depth explanation of the alghoritms not covered during lessons (but still needed for the exam) Includes professor slides, professor lectures and book material (Data Mining, Charu C. Aggarval, Springer)

  • Machine Learning

    Master Degree in Data Science (Italian / English, Handwritten)

    This files are the notes I took while studying machine learning from the book "Introduction to Machine Learning, Fourth Edition, Ethem Alpaydin". Includes a concept map made during topic repetition and study.

  • Optimization and Decision Models

    Master Degree in Data Science (Italian, Handwritten / Text)

    Aggregation of lessons, personal notes, insights from papers and thoery books. Covers real and integer linear programming, unconstrained optimization (theory and applied to machine learning), constrained optimization (dual methods and augmented lagrangian), optimization formalism for SVM and NN, genetic algorithms with Holland scheme theory.

  • Big Data Analytics

    Master Degree in Data Science (Italian, Latex)

    Complete notes of the course, the notes integrate both books, assigned papers, lectures from the professor and slides. Missing information about the laboratory assignment and programming tasks.

  • Math Foundamentals for Data Science

    Master Degree in Data Science (Italian, Handwritten / Text)

    Full course in Math Foundamentals in Data Science, the notes cover both Calculus (R^n) and Linear Algebra. The notes cover only the theory, so they do not cover exercize examples and practice exercizes.

  • Numerical Methods

    Master Degree in Data Science (Italian, Handwritten / Text)

    Full course in Numerical Methods for Data Science, it covers both professore lessons, lecture notes, personal explanation and insights and details from the original papers of the studied topis. The course is divided in two parts, the first one (A) covers SVD, PCA, VSM, and online information retrieval, the second one covers matrix factorization, least squares models, factorization for sparse matrices and iterative methods for all these algorithms.

  • Economics and data innovation

    Master Degree in Data Science (Italian, Latex)

    A summary of all the course slides, this was not integrated with the professor lectures